Popup View


Visioning Lab sought to create a platform in which AR experiences could be uploaded by creators, and searched for by consumers, similar to YouTube.

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Case Study

Unusual Technologies was asked to create an editor expansion for Unity, that would allow AR content creators to easily upload their own work, via Unity Addressables to an AWS server. A variety of different AR triggers such as sound, geolocation and images could be used to trigger the AR experience. This could take the form of music, films, 2D and 3D animations, or anything else the content creator could imagine. Additionally, we also put together a prototype app to trial the content.


During the creation of Popup View, we used Addressables which allowed for uploading and downloading of assets to an AWS server. This was so new projects could be uploaded to the app without having to rebuild and release an update. We had to make a set of tools within Unity so non-developers would be able to easily upload content by following a couple of simple instructions. 


Whilst developing Popup View, our client provided a group of university interns. The students were involved in the process of creating content, which would then be uploaded to the app using the Addressables system. We also trained them how to use the basics of Unity, and showed them how to use the tools we implemented, to upload and test the content they had created on the app.


We referred to the bundle that the creator would upload as a campaign. This included text about the campaign, a map image of where the campaign experience takes place and inputs that would trigger the experience. This included geolocation, images and sounds. These triggers were accompanied by the reaction itself, such as a video that plays, an image, a 3D model or animation appearing with sound, etc. The creator could customise all this to produce their own AR experience with triggers.

Our Client's Dream

Our client had the goal of making the app a community-driven platform that anyone could use with community-driven content. Examples include: history, nature, informative/educational, or even include game aspects, in which the creator sends the user on a small quest.